poniedziałek, 6 maja 2019

Welcome back


Long time without any news from me, at least on this website.

I'm still struggling to catch up with all of the social media platform I have. From time to time I was posting some stuff on facebook and now I started also using instagram, as it is probably the easiest way for me at the moment to show my works.

I still have a lot of pieces of unfinished works. I'm not the master of finishing anything. Handmade is a beautiful passion. Unfortunately it is like a baby which needs a lot of your time and attention. It is very hard sometimes to find a spare time to do anything.

Here is one of the examples of my recent progress. It took me three full days to get from the point shown on the left side to the result on te right side. And all the time I had the feeling that I have done more, but on the end of the day it's just couple of stitches finished. 

I'm not sure how many of you still visits my blog. Would be happy to see any comments.

Have a nice day.


poniedziałek, 13 kwietnia 2015

Work in progress

Hi everyone,

Today I want to show you all of my WIP's. It's hard for me to find a time to finish them, as long as I have a job, and once in a month I'm travelling to school located in Poland. As I was younger I was always focused on doing one pattern at time, but now it's really hard for me to not start anything new, when there are so many lovely patterns everywhere.

The first pattern I'm doing is cross-stitched towel. The green frog will be in the middle between two purple frogs. The pattern comes from one of the Rico Design pattern books.

The next one consist of country animals like chickens, horse, pig and the cow (which I still need to stitch). It's perfect picture to hang on the wall. :)

Other towel in my collection. There should be butterflies and tulips. I love the colors of this one. I started to making it a long time ago and I haven't found the time to finish it ever since.

 The Hearts pattern. I love this one because it is made with one colour which makes the work more simple.

The Fox and the Owl. The pattern comes from Rico Design. I made this one couple of months ago. The only thing which is missing here is the backstitch and white dots on the mushrooms.

Here is the tree from the same pattern as the one from the picture above. It's different kind of material. I wanted to see how it will be to cross-stitch on something different than canvas.

That's it for now :) There are also couple of things I'm making for school, but I will write about it in the next blog entry. 
If you are also crocheting/cross-stitching share the address to your site in the comments :)